Rainy Days And Mondays
At the moment the fact that it’s raining and the fact that it’s Monday cannot “get me down”. If it’s raining it means that it is not freezing cold and if it’s Monday… well what difference does it make to someone who isn’t working? In theory my online course starts today but with no access to the internet it just means I’ll have more to do when I finally get started. Considering the amount of time I have to spare I don’t think that’s a bad thing at the moment.
As usual another week has flown by since I found the time (or rather the motivation) to write an entry for the blog. As a student I quickly learnt that I am a pro at procrastination but I always put that down to the interesting wide world found on the web; even if my interests rarely stretched beyond msn, Facebook, music and film. Without an internet connection ‘chez moi’ I guess I am forced to admit that I am constantly able to find something (even if it seems more like nothing to the untrained eye) to fill up my free time.
The weekend update: After a pretty long week including an evening of scooping Ice-Cream for school children and stamping library cards for Kindergarten kids we got that Friday-Feeling and headed straight for Winnipeg. We finally recovered our car from Ontario after weeks of waiting and began a game of Car-park Chaos to return the hire car. Driving the enormous, automatic, left-hand drive Montana for the first time in a city centre was already nerve-wracking. The getting lost en route and taking no-entry roads to even get close to the car rental returns car-park was worse still! So of course to get over all the stress we decided on Foody Goody – all you can eat Chinese, a bit of retail therapy, an evening at the flicks, and a night in a hotel.

I must admit that our indulgent weekend did improve my feelings towards Winnipeg. The hotel had a good view of the city lights and we stumbled across the city centre with its impressive old buildings such as the neo-classical Legislative Building, which give the city a bit more charm than other Canadian towns and cities. Manitobans also appear to have more of a sense of humour than Ontarians judging by the laughs in the cinema while we watched ‘The Switch’. Spending some time outside, crossing the ‘Esplanade Riel’ across from The Forks market, gave us a good view of the river and some fresh air and perspective although we still could not believe how calm the place was for a city. Crossing the bridge we passed no more than three people – imagine crossing the Seine or the Thames and not passing more than a handful of people on a Saturday!
Back to Steep Rock and back to boredom for Sunday and Monday. Yesterday I spent the day attempting to call Spain and then waiting by the phone for a boy to call. Why do we do it? They never call when they say they will! Anyway at last we managed a less than amorous conversation and another promise of a phone call this week…we shall see. Today the weather has reflected my miserable mood and I have spent the day moping around the house, hoping to hear about the job I applied for in Paris, contemplating writing a French CV, writing postcards and watching daytime TV. Good job the Steep Rock ‘cliffs’ are only miniature because with the quality of Canadian TV I would have been quite tempted to launch myself off them otherwise!