Home Sweet Home
It’s not often I can honestly say I prefer being in Canada over being in Europe. I have always felt more at home and more alive when I’m over in Europe; both in the UK and on the mainland. That being said I have always tried to focus on what’s great about Canada and I totally understand why many people (including myself for the time being) would choose to make it their home. Canada is so diverse it’s like many different countries rolled into one and despite the harsh climate in places, there is something to appreciate in every region.

Now more than ever before, I am thankful to be in Canada. Not only to be in Canada but to be in one of the more isolated regions with a temperate climate, beautiful scenery, plenty to do outdoors and far away from crowded urban centres. We have the luxury, if we are smart and pay attention, to learn from what has happened in other parts of the world. We are not yet quarantined but if we were I can think of many worse places to be confined.

I have plenty of space in my apartment and a large garden. I am a day-to-day shopper and yet I have more than I need to sustain myself for a couple of weeks. I don’t have to leave my apartment to do laundry. My fridge-freezer is larger than the entire kitchen area of the apartment I lived in in Paris! I have space for a home office. My cat has her own room if I ever feel the need for some personal space. I have a large TV and a really comfy couch. We have an abundance of open space and fresh sea air. These are things that many people in big cities don’t have and even though I know I’ll always have dreams of being able to spend at least half my time in Paris, I definitely appreciate these Canadian comforts more than ever before.

As the pace of life slows down for many of us, I am going to try and get back into doing the things I enjoy such as writing, listening to music, going for long walks by myself, painting my nails, reading… I might even finish up the renovations in my apartment.

Let me know in the comments where you are and what are some things you are doing to keep busy if you are currently in a place that is locked-down.