10 Things I Hate About Paris
I usually try and put a positive spin on things but after spending 7 months in the capital there are inevitably a few things which grate on the nerves. In any case I am living in Paris so it should be my perogative to complain about absolutely anything and everything.
I ♥ Rien – Je suis Parisienne!
I hate the way that supermarkets are closed on Sundays
and the way that a coke costs more than the beer,
I hate that cheesy line about how the French kiss
and that there are no decent take-aways near.
I hate all the delays on the RER A
and those stupid motorbikes with three wheels,
I hate the way that nobody smiles
and the fact that my bank lies and steals.
I hate how the sky is always so grey in Winter
which is why I’ll only stay ’til the Fall
But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate Paris, not even close…
not even a little bit…not even at all.