Big Kids Go Free* At Disneyland!
I promised that I would visit a château before leaving France, although not quite the one I had in mind, I can at least say that I kept my word. Today I visited a Fairytale Castle in the magical world of Disneyland Paris. Le Château de la belle du bois dormant, more simply known as Sleeping Beauty’s enchanted castle was the highlight of my day out (that, and the excellent company).
Sadly, Mickey and I were not free at the same time and I was unable to find myself a Prince Charming, nevertheless the day was a success. For a whole day we behaved like children; charging around the park, watching Disney shows, taking too many photos and enjoying the attractions. We even managed a whole world tour in around 7 minutes: It’s a small world after all, in which I was quite excited to finally see a Canadian Mountie stood by a moose, only seconds after some African Lions, Chinese dancers and Big Ben!
The Fairytale Castle was not the only royal residence that we called in on. The Queen of Hearts also received a visit once we had managed to find our way through Alice’s fantasy wonderland. This was a particular favourite of mine as we raced each other through the labyrinth, past various characters and the Mad Queen. I especially loved the Mad-Hatter’s tea party where we felt as though we were the guests of honour!

I certainly cannot complain of not having enough to do in Paris. A spontaneous *FREE* day out at Disneyland thanks to my best friend Roberto’s inside contacts was a lovely way to spend a dull Saturday afternoon and made a change from the built up streets of Paris. I even enjoyed the RER journey to get there! Then again, I am strangely fond of the RER A.