Notre Dame de Cœur
It’s been a while again since the last update. I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. I have now been in Île de France (I’d love to say Paris but that really isn’t quite true at this stage) for a little over 5 weeks. When I say it like that it doesn’t seem like long at all and I have actually achieved quite a lot in a short space of time but more on daily life and struggles in the next post. This one is all about my absolute favourite place in Paris: Notre Dame.
Although I am living and working in the suburbs I try to get into Paris as much as possible which often leads me to St Michel where I can eat three courses for 10 euros or a savoury crepe followed by a sweet crepe oozing with Nutella for 5 euros. Although it is often food that tempts me to wander as far as the lively Latin Quarter, the true attraction is the beautiful Cathedral Notre Dame.
On the 11th of November Notre Dame was lit up in honour of the Centennial of the First World War with a spectacular light and sound show. Thousands of people came out to watch and the torrential rain thankfully held off until minutes after the show had ended. I made a quick dash for a warm gooey chocolate filled crepe and made it to a covered side street just as the Heavens opened. Notre Dame is always beautiful but I have never before seen it so magical as it was that evening. Sadly my photographs do not do it justice.
2 thoughts on “Notre Dame de Cœur”
Bonjour Emma!
Quelles belles photos! Je voudrais encore all à Paris. Tu as de la bonne chance.
Salut Stacia, comment vas-tu? A partir du janvier j’aurai un studio qui as un canope-lit donc si jamais tu fais une visite de Paris à “Spring break” tu serais à la bienvenue ! Merci pour le commentaire sur les photos. Toi aussi t’avais pris des très belles photos quand t’étais à Paris.