Gallery Gallery Approaching Château de Vincennes and its Chapel Pont des Arts - Paris A Bird's-eye View of NYC The Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg, MB, Canada Hello Humpback! - Telegraph Cove, B.C. Canada Stunning Streetlamps Two little eagles sitting in a tree Mist clears as we set sale on the Lukwa Like this:Like Loading... Sea Lions Sunbathing A smll bird on a branch Like this:Like Loading... A Beautiful Day Out on the Ocean Like this:Like Loading... Provencher Bridge, Winnipeg Whale Watching at Telegraph Cove, B.C. Canada The Statue of Liberty From A Previous Bear Hunt in Holberg, BC, Canada Eternal Youth Overlooking Winnipeg If you liked it share it!EmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInTumblrMoreRedditPocketWhatsAppPrintPinterestTelegramLike this:Like Loading...