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I write this blog primarily as a way of encouraging myself to look for the extraordinary in the ordinary and to find joy in the everyday things that I do. Since its inception in 2010, it has been a hobby for me and a way of filling in any periods of free time while offering a creative outlet. In recent months (or rather years) I haven’t been keeping on top of regular blog-posting and general web maintenance. Sometimes I feel as though I haven’t been keeping up with much in life at all!
Finding balance in life is sometimes hard and at many times since moving to Canada I have been left feeling less than composed. Recently I have decided to return to my much-loved but very neglected blog as a way of creating peace for myself and to give me something to look back on in years to come – when my memory deceives me and I can’t quite remember what the name of that local café is called! I skimmed through a few posts from last year which brought back memories of the joy I felt taking the ferry to work, although now I am just relieved I don’t have so far travel. When I am regularly writing I appear to be much less stressed and since I could definitely use some stress reduction these days I hope it will help me.
If you’ve stumbled upon my blog and it inspires you to visit the North of Vancouver Island (or wherever else I may find myself) then that’s a bonus. It’s certainly worth a visit!