The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown

Five Things Left to Do in Paris So here I am, down to my last five weeks in Paris and unlike at the end of my Erasmus when I had a strong feeling that I would be back as soon as possible for an extended stay, this time I know that I won’t be back so soon and that next time probably won’t be serious, more likely a brief fling with an old flame. To be sure to leave Paris…

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Venturing into the Underworld: The Empire of Death

Venturing into the Underworld: The Empire of Death

Most Parisians are all too familiar with the underground network of tunnels that criss-cross for over 130 miles (214km) beneath the city, filled with stressed commuters, lively musicians and of course the sound of the metro and RER doors opening and closing for around 4.5 million passengers per day. It’s hard to believe that just metres away from all the hustle and bustle of life going on, both above and below ground, lies the eerie world of Les Catacombes de…

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Learning to Love Paris

Learning to Love Paris

A love affair with Paris is not an easy one. At first glance, it’s almost impossible not to be seduced by its glamour, night-life, architecture, art and culture. But as with so many beautiful things, there is the danger of being swept off of one’s feet, caught up in a haze of romance, only to be left bitterly disappointed. This, for me, is a weekly occurrence. Perhaps the biggest challenge is having the energy and time to get the most…

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Visiting Vincennes

Visiting Vincennes

Taking a vacation from the city can be as short and sweet as a day out beyond the peripherique to visit a neighbouring town or one of Ile de France’s once royal residences. After posting my recent thoughts about Parisian Parks I decided to make the most of a beautiful summer Sunday and the suggestion of some keen friends by visiting the Chateau de Vincennes and the quaint little town situated on the Bois de Vincennes. Being under 26, a visit of…

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Lightning Never Strikes Twice

Lightning Never Strikes Twice

As the saying goes lightning never strikes twice in the same place… which makes taking photos pretty difficult!  I was pondering this saying and what it might mean as I uploaded my video (unwatched at this point) of the impressive storm threatening to break for hours above Paris on Tuesday night.  I had come to a few conclusions when I decided to watch back my snapshot – only to discover that lightning actually does srike twice in the same place!…

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Parisian Parks

Parisian Parks

Summer afternoons in Paris can only really be spent in one manner – whiling away the time in one of the many parks scattered around the city.  Whether you prefer large or small, green or gravel, with water or without, there really is a park to suit every taste or activity. I know that for dramatic effect I should build up to my favourite park but I’m going to start with it because if you only visit one park in Paris, make…

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Dancing In The Rain

Dancing In The Rain

No singing though!  Nevertheless Friday evening was a pretty memorable and exhilarating experience of dancing in the rain. Last Friday, after work, I rushed off to join a good friend of mine for an outdoor Zumba class on Paris Plage.  It had been a fairly typical summers day – neither too hot nor cold, certainly not humid and heavy. As I entered the metro the sky was bright; not an ominous cloud in sight. Less than 10 minutes later, upon…

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London’s Burning

London’s Burning

I read a book last year called Last Light by Alex Scarrow.  It’s set in the UK and depicts a scarily possible scene of fast-paced rioting across London and other city centres, although in this case due to a lack of oil and thus all power that is derived from our dependance upon this natural resource. Despite the fact that I found the events in the novel to have been presented as a credible series of possiblities that we could…

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Paris Plage

Paris Plage

So it’s finally arrived, the moment all the Parisians have been talking about – the month of August. Apparently every year the inhabitants of Paris flee the city en masse and descend upon the regions of France.  For those in search of sun and sea they flock south, others just keen for a break from the hustle and bustle of the capital choose to go East or West approaching the boarders and finally those with their roots abroad head home for a month in…

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After a grey two weeks the weather has finally broken into a rather satisfying storm. The heavens have opened with a crash above Paris, washing away the dust from a three month heat-wave. Given the intensity of the rain this seems like the perfect opportunity to do some studying. I naturally go through the motions of loading up the various relevant articles and wikipedia searches, while taking regular breaks to fuel my brain with chocolatey-snacks and Diet Coke but as…

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